Oil Painting With Friends

Today I will be at Exeter’s Courthouse Gallery from 11-3, oil painting with friends. You are welcome to stop by!

Why will I be there when I could be painting at home? 

  1. My friends don’t have as much experience in oil painting as I do, so I can help them.
  2. Sometimes it is fun to paint with friends instead of painting alone at home.

I might bring this trail painting or maybe a stack of Sawtooth paintings.

Cowboy Logic Applied

I was tempted to work on the Mineral King paintings, but cowboy logic steered me toward finishing the ones with the closer deadline (April, Still Here, an exhibition at Arts Visalia).
This new one (not the Mineral King ones – were you paying attention to the first paragraph?) is 8×16″, a new shape and size for me to paint. It is lacking some detail, a signature, and paint on the edges. 

This painting is almost finished. Here are three stages:

It lacks a couple of wind machines, some oranges, a signature, and paint on the edges.

This one will take several more layers because I am covering over some old painting on this canvas, which a friend kindly brought to me from a yard sale.

Because these 3 new pieces were going well, I decided to try a 4th new one. A realtor friend advertised a Springville ranch with a photo so beautiful that I asked him if he could connect me with the photographer for permission to paint. The photographer replied to me directly in the affirmative.

Rose-colored glasses might help you see the potential. (That’s just a figure of speech.)

You can see that I am really taken with scenes that combine foothills and agriculture. I feel certain that a cowboy would agree with the appeal of these paintings.


A Few More New Oil Paintings

When I thought through the oil paintings that are ready for the upcoming show, Still Here, for April at Arts Visalia, I realized there were a few more subjects that will add to the mix. Round it out. Complete it. 

These are looking scrappy and rough, as paintings do while in progress. This isn’t a very satisfying step in the painting process; hence, the odd job kept pulling me away from the easel. But with a looming deadline (doesn’t that sound ominous?? It doesn’t truly feel that way), I will get back to these paintings and see if I can finish them for the show. They are 16×20″, 8×16″, and 6×18″, all manageable sizes.

P.S. Hi Tucker. You’ve already been fed three times – thank you for just sitting with me instead of begging.

Looks Better in Person

All my paintings look better in person. Maybe I should I stop showing you my paintings in progress so that you will be inclined to attend my show at Arts Visalia in April.

Nah.  These posts could cause you to either really become interested in the show or run away screaming.

Now that I see the before and after together, I am wondering if the upper painting (before) looks better than the lower painting (after). 

I added more sky on the upper right, more detail in the corn lily on the bottom left (weird colors in the photo aren’t true), more detail to the corn lily on the bottom right and put in more distant forest.

Now that I see the photos here, I can see some botanical problems with the trees.

I’ll keep working on it.


Have I mentioned that I am a technophobe? That isn’t exactly right, because I have been more of a techno-avoider. Turns out that isn’t exactly right either. Look at this list of items I have to mess with and recharge:

  1. cell phone (albeit quite outdated)
  2. computer (definitely outdated – it has USB ports #1 instead of #2, for Pete’s sake!)
  3. not one, but TWO digital cameras!
  4. a Garmin Forerunner (how else will I know all the miles I am walking??)
  5. an iPod (not mine)
  6. Telephones in the house that show who is calling

My explanation for #5 is this: Michael requested the simplest one for his birthday in 2009 (13 months ago) and has NEVER ONCE used it! Monday I had to walk 9 miles without my training partner, and the iPod was a real treat! It is difficult to find music that is the right tempo for my pace, but it was very fun anyway.  What else did I do while walking? I thought about the secret giant project that has a tight deadline! Want a hint? Sorry, not yet! 😎 More will be revealed. . . meanwhile, look at this wall full of incomplete paintings and puzzle over why I am walking 9 miles instead of painting 24/7. The first person to tell me the correct reason will receive a small prize.
