A Lavender Painting

Barbara’s French Lavender, 8×10, oil on wrapped canvas, private collection

This is a view of my friend Barbara’s French Lavender in Three Rivers. Livingston Lavender Farms, named after her grandmother who built the home, will be open soon for you to come harvest lavender. June 15? More will be revealed.

Imagine a blank journal with lines inside and this painting on the cover for around $15. Aren’t you just itching to own and use one?

I am a one woman painting factory


One might think that after painting about 80 pieces of citrus, one might tire of the subject. One would be wrong.


The rough early stages no longer fill me with dread and worry that this will be the painting on which my career croaks.


These are for a special purpose and have a bit of a story. I bought 12 2×2″ canvases to try – no, oops, I bought 12 packages of 5 each! 60 of these little canvases should last me awhile.


Dante is just drying, and I have finally finished this early a.m. painting of Mineral King in addition to almost finishing a commission of redbud.



This is a table full of dreams and plans. It will take some time to think about my current inventory and upcoming shows before I know what sizes to paint which subjects. Anyone have a working crystal ball they can lend to me??