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Painting, Wandering, Waiting, and Wondering

My blog seems to be back to normal, so if you are receiving my posts via email and can’t see the photographs, tap here to go to the blog on the internet.

I am slowly working on the commissioned oil painting, and wandering around the yard while waiting to hear about two mural projects (each with two murals) and wondering about several subjects.

Oil Painting Commission


Sometimes while thinking about the painting, I amble around the yard.



I am wondering if the host of my website will sort out the evil robot situation, if I will be able to make the oil commission match Mr. Customer’s vision, when I will hear about those upcoming murals, when I might be able to start, and why the deer haven’t eaten all these irises and roses.




  1. Love seeing Sawtooth in your paintings, even if from a distance!
    You have a beautiful yard in which to amble. You must do a lot of puttering to keep it looking so neat and pretty!
    But speaking of beautiful yards, you left off the priority wondering these days . . . when will the road be open to the end??

    • Sharon, thank you for the kind words. I go nowhere in the yard without pulling weeds, even if passing between the studio and the house.
      About the MK Road, may I remind you that my crystal ball has been broken for many years? Sigh.

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