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A Conversation with Mr. Customer

For awhile I had a link in these emails of my daily blog post to take you to the site on the internet so you could see the photos. Now there is some tomfoolery happening with my blog, so I am not putting the link in until it gets sorted out. If you would like to see the pictures, go to jana botkin dot net (written this way to confound the evil robots who are messing things up.)

Mr. Customer and I had a texted conversation about his commissioned oil painting.

Me: Is this starting to look like what you are wanting?

Mr. Customer: It is!

Me (knowing that he is a very encouraging and positive person and needing to verify things a bit further): I have made the mountains as perfect as I know how but I am faking the hills in front of them. The only place the mountains looked that clear and perfect and visible was from Rocky Hill, but from there the hills were just one solid ridge. Hence, fakery. 

Mr. Customer: Pretty darn close

Me: I aim for believability. No one memorizes the actual configuration of the hills, and most people only know a few specific peaks. But even those look different from every viewpoint. So as long as you are happy, then I am happy too.

Mr. Customer: I will be happy. Just so you know.

Yippee skippee! I am happy too!

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