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Fun in an Orange Grove

What passes for recreation these days is gleaning oranges in a friend’s grove in Lemon Cove. (Don’t be confused – there is a Lemon Grove in San Diego, and an Orange Cove in Fresno County, and Lemon Cove is in Tulare County.) This has always been fun for Trail Guy and me, but now it is almost the only thing we do for fun. Taking walks, yardening, they count too, but I’m talking about going somewhere in a vehicle.

It is fun to ramble around the grove, take photos, hunt, find, pick, eat, and later, to share. As an added bonus, when I am out there I can touch my face as much as I want, so there. (Talk about fun – wowsa.)

We are having more fun than humans should be allowed, especially when we are supposed to be hunkered down in our dwellings, watching too much teevee, taking in confusing and conflicting information, and being afraid.

Not us, nosireebob.

This is what passes for a business trip in this time of “staying in place”. And now I have ideas and inspiration for new paintings. Take that, Virus!

This area hasn’t been picked yet because it is valencias, not navels. We didn’t glean here. Gleaning is what happens after picking.
To find oranges, you look for a “door” to go inside the trees canopy, and then look up and around. (Try not to bash your head or step on any sprinklers or thorns.)


  1. Great post! Loved the pictures! I could “smell” the blossoms!!

    • Thank you, Anonymous! Best smell in the world.

  2. When Mike Prettyman and I were dating – I remember one memorable New Years Eve. Was it an amazing party- dancing- fancy clothing? No – it was helping one of the neighbors in Ivanhoe smudge potting. I think that’s the term- we had to ride around and light the pots because “a freeze was coming” . Pretty exciting! Around midnight we went to the farmers home where he poured whiskey in little glasses for us to all bring in the New Year. Mind you- we were a few years away from 21. I remember the warmth of that drink and that evening.

    • Anne, that is the most wonderful thing I’ve ever heard of for a New Year’s Eve outing! Thank you for telling me. There is something about doing a job together that is far more real than getting fancy and going somewhere with a crowd.

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