
Maggie bought a painting of oranges and asked for a companion piece of lemons. Just so happened that someone had brought me a bag of them, so I was prepared. And, I figured if I was going to paint lemons for Maggie, I should do a series of lemons. Hers is the first in the series. Two thoughts about lemons: 1. they have less dimples than oranges and 2. what a thrill to be able to paint with a different color than orange!


several items, hopefully of interest


About these paintings in progress (They need So Many Layers!):

1. Maggie, can you spot your lemons? Clearly, I am thinking Series here!

2. Doug, can you spot your (if you like them) pumpkins?

3. Kathy, can you see your bridge beginning to emerge?

4. The 2 with their backs to you, the audience, are waiting for the fullness of time in which they will be revealed.

5. This is Zeke. He keeps me company in hopes that food might appear; he also loves to contribute hairs to the wet paintings.

And 2 items not related to the paintings shown:

1. My dental hygienist was quite pleased with her poppy painting. This makes me both happy and relieved, because when I allow someone to put pointy things in my mouth, I want that someone to like me!

2. About the choice of barns? More will be revealed. . . And I am wondering why no one noticed my brilliant use of the word “forsooth”! Did anyone wonder about it? Did anyone go for his dictionary? Most importantly, did anyone laugh?


Being finished is a nebulous concept. . . as long as oil is wet, it can be changed and manipulated. Come to think of it, when it is dry, it can be painted over and changed! So how do I know when I am finished? Sometimes, it looks good. Sometimes there is a looming deadline. Sometimes, every new stroke is a mistake. Sometimes, there are other pieces needing to be worked on.


By the way, Paula, it is too wet to sign, varnish or put a wire on the back. Wait, no wire, it will sit on an easel! (gotta go floss the oil paint out of my teeth now. . . )

more on commissions

Our dental hygienist reads my blog. No, that doesn’t set my teeth on edge – it pleases me! She asked my husband if I do commission work, and he sent her to my studio. She had seen something on my blog that led to an idea. Together with a co-worker of hers, we designed a small painting for a specific area of her home. Her vision was a little unframed piece to sit on a table-top easel with lots of bright colors. Here is the painting that may have triggered her idea:


Next, I hope to show you the finished piece.


Commissions are “an order for something, especially a work of art, to be produced” –

I can do this!!

Some very fine people (with very good taste in art, I ever so humbly add) have a blank wall facing their front door. They gathered about 10 photos, and together, we figured out which photos lend themselves to be grouped together and into how many pieces. Our conclusion was that three drawings, each with multiple subjects, would fit nicely.

Here is the first sketch:


Next, I took their photos home with me, except for the ones they had torn from a calendar. Those are copyrighted, so I looked through my own photos for the same subject matter. Then, I made three separate sketches so they could see if I was on the right track.

Here is the first more detailed sketch:


(good thing they already know that I know how to draw!!)

When they approved the first sketch,I started right away. Never mind about prioritizing with other work, closer deadlines, etc. . . I LOVE to draw!! (you knew that) Here is how it looks so far:


In the fullness of time, more will be revealed. . . stay tuned!