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several items, hopefully of interest


About these paintings in progress (They need So Many Layers!):

1. Maggie, can you spot your lemons? Clearly, I am thinking Series here!

2. Doug, can you spot your (if you like them) pumpkins?

3. Kathy, can you see your bridge beginning to emerge?

4. The 2 with their backs to you, the audience, are waiting for the fullness of time in which they will be revealed.

5. This is Zeke. He keeps me company in hopes that food might appear; he also loves to contribute hairs to the wet paintings.

And 2 items not related to the paintings shown:

1. My dental hygienist was quite pleased with her poppy painting. This makes me both happy and relieved, because when I allow someone to put pointy things in my mouth, I want that someone to like me!

2. About the choice of barns? More will be revealed. . . And I am wondering why no one noticed my brilliant use of the word “forsooth”! Did anyone wonder about it? Did anyone go for his dictionary? Most importantly, did anyone laugh?


  1. Hi Jana,

    I cannot believe how much Zeke looks like our ‘big boy’ Morris! They do make great company. I love ‘Spring Run-off’.
    Have a great summer….with more blog posts I hope. Lisa

  2. Zeke is fabulous! What a beautiful kitty, are you ever going to paint your kids? Oh the paintings are nice too 😉

  3. Maggie, yours is the one propped on the little stand thing behind Zeke. It also is looking forward to its new home, once it is fully developed and ready to leave the incubator.

  4. Jana: I have seen and loved the lemons. Will be looking forward to meeting them in person at class. Thanks. Maggie

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