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Blogiversary Bonus

What is a blog? It is a web log, an online journal, shortened to blog. 

What is a blogiversary? It is blog anniversary.

Yesterday was my 12th blogiversary. That is 12 years of posting 5 days a week about the business of art, life in Three Rivers/rural Tulare County, peculiar sights, a (rare) visit to another place, things I learn, and always, Mineral King. That is approximately 3,350 posts.

Today I am just giving you some photographs of beautiful things in my little world. It has nothing to do with the business of art, other than an awareness of beauty which I believe is the basis of good art (“good” as I define the word).


Thank you for hanging with me through the years, or thank you for joining up somewhere along the way.


  1. Thank you, Jana, for all you give to us who have the happiness of knowing you!

    • Thank you, Louise, for your continual positive encouragement!

  2. I can’t remember when I joined in (I’m fairly sure it wasn’t 15 years ago), but I read your blog every day and enjoy vicariously your little corner of the world called Kaweah Country! Happy Bloggyversary!

    • Sharon, your faithful friendship and following of my blog is fuel for my longevity as a blogger. Thank you!!

      • Ah, dear friend, you flatter me! I’m glad I spur you on; and you do the same for me, as well! Not as a blogger, but in other ways.

        “Ointment and perfume delight the heart, And the sweetness of one’s friend gives delight by hearty counsel.” (Proverbs 27:9)

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