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A Three-Painting Day

Three paintings of Tulare County scenery were brought closer to completion on a productive day of painting. Two were fun, and one is still riding the struggle bus.

Not a lot to say about this other than I photographed each step.

It was fun to detail the unusual barn, and now I need to detail the road and lower right pasture.

This painting is really fun. I filled in green around the rest of the poppies, added more green in the lower regions, built the oak tree (needs the beginnings of spring leaves), and put the lupine stalks in place.

I took this painting to a life-long friend for her input. She has a great eye for design and has assisted me in the past. She suggested more of an overarching canopy and more detail on the road (which was also suggested by my friend and blog reader MB). I got this far on the canopy before the light ran out.

Maybe adding tire tracks, more light, and some dirt clods will be all this piece requires before it exits the struggle bus.


  1. I have watched this painting receive a lot of comments and input since the beginning. It has come a long way. I would say after
    you implement the additions you mentioned would complete this painting. Your willingness to ask and make the changes
    has been a great journey with yourself, viewers and friends. This little painting has grown into a lovely, believable piece
    of art. I think you have achieved what you liked about the photo. Mae

    • Mae, I did mess with the road one more time. It might be better, or it might just be different. Either way, I have signed that piece and moved it out of my line of sight for now. New paintings, new struggles. . . I appreciate your input so much and completely trust your judgement.

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