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My Wild Life

Living in a small rural community in a small rural county gets a little exciting at times. It isn’t as though I battle wildfires (please, God, spare us that), and there have been no rattlesnakes this season.

But, sometimes it rains very very hard. This was about 2 weeks ago:

My wipers were on the highest speed, the defroster fan was on the highest speed, and I finally gave up trying to see and pulled over for a bit.

Then, there is the wildlife. This was on the way down the hill to teach drawing lessons:

There are about 2 dozen in this herd. Herd? Flock? Flock! Wild turkeys are funny, unless they are sitting on one’s car inside the garage or flapping at you as you try to walk past. Gobbling sometimes gets them a little worked up. (It’s not something you want to try if there are normal people within earshot.)

And the deer are plentiful. Cute, but not when they eat my geraniums (technically pelargoniums) and I don’t really like them hanging out on my front porch eating catfood either! But, it is very neat-o to see them in the yard. (Yes, I said “neat-o”!)


  1. Cheryl, my walking buddy/neighbor usually makes me go between her and turkeys because she had a similar experience to yours.
    Deb, just saw Melissa, yes that is a gazing ball (the blue peeled off), and I too have hit a deer. Ruined a headlight, and killed her. It was HORRIBLE. Thank you for all the lovely compliments – my digital cameras and puter editing capabilities make my photos look good.

  2. P.S. Is that a giant gazing ball in the background? Very popular yard ornament here in the big Q.
    And here is your trivia for today: The county where Bryan is currently serving as bi-vocational pastor (translated “don’t quit the day job just yet, but serve the Lord in this capacity!”) is Pike County, IL, the biggest per capita deer population in the US. Go figure. And yes, we have hit one with our car. Not fun at all. But no one hurt, not even the deer.

  3. a – your camera is amazing
    b – your eye for pics is amazing
    c – your pics are amazing! and
    I love your humor. It’s neat-o.

  4. I would love to live somewhere sometime where I get to see wildlife regularly. Always so exciting. Not sure about the turkeys, though. I have bad memories of being chased by one on my grandparents’ farm when I was little. I thought I was a goner 🙂

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