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Writing, Editing, Publishing, Chapter Four

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. . .Selling

Selling is the most difficult part of writing a book. There are entire blogs and websites devoted to this topic, and it is as individual as the stories and the authors. I have no answers, no tricks, no proven method. A friend told me (in reference to The Cabins of Wilsonia) “The worn spot in the sink was made drip by drip by drip”.

Here is a list of You Cans:

  1. Ask some place to host a book signing, such as a local book shop or gift shop or museum or gallery.
  2. Host your own book signing at your house or a friend’s house or your church or your service club.
  3. Use the Book of Faces or other (anti)social media.
  4. Send a press release to your local paper (if there is one).
  5. Keep books with you at all times.
  6. Write a newsletter about the book and send it to everyone you know.
  7. Send emails to everyone you know.
  8. Give a book every time someone asks for a donation to a fundraiser.
  9. Look for local businesses to sell the book.
  10. Pay your publisher to list the book on their site.
  11. Pay the publisher to list the book on that big online store.
  12. Start a blog and do all the publicity ideas above to get the word out.

There are many other ways to sell, but this is enough for now.

Indeed. I believe our Reading Rabbit has expired from exhaustion.


  1. 8. And don’t forget, the value of that book/donation is tax deductible!

    • Sharon, good point. I think you would be allowed to deduct the cost of the book rather than the retail value.

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