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Why I Make Art, #5

This is a painting of poppies on an antique window. (Thank you for asking, Carol!) You can read about it here:

April 29 May 23 June 7

Reason #5: I make art because it beautifies spaces.

Real life is messy. Artists get to clean it up in 2 ways. We can draw and paint in a manner that eliminates the cruddy stuff in the view. We also get to cover bare or ugly walls with beautiful things. That is a satisfying motivation!

Think about how the town of Exeter would look without its murals. Buildings would be empty, bare walls would contain graffiti, there wouldn’t be nearly as many good places to eat or shop, and it would be easy to find a parking place. (not that there would be a reason to park. . .)

Think about your home without anything hanging on the walls. It would echo, and it wouldn’t have much personality.

Almost makes you want to paint, doesn’t it?


  1. YES, it makes me want to paint–I wish I knew how.

    • Thank you, Jan! Your wonderful blog makes me wish I knew how to write so succinctly and with such subtle humor. Love it!

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