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What Is Happening With This Blog??

Something got “updated”. Lots of tools are missing. There doesn’t seem to be a way to schedule posts ahead. So, today you got 2 posts, and now this baffled explanation. STOP MAKING CHANGES, YOU TECHNO-BEASTS!

Excuse me. I feel like yelling.

Thank you for your patience and understanding. (assuming you haven’t unsubscribed by now.)


  1. I love your posts. Please don’t unsubscribe me….

    • Thank you, Lori! I never unsubscribe people on purpose, but sometimes my blog goes all wacky and unexplainable stuff happens!

  2. Me? Unsubscribe? Nevah!

    (I just wish WP would bring back the “Notify when there is a comment on this blog” option.)

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