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Three Rivers Oil Paintings

There are a few paintings in my portfolio and studio that don’t please me. Two were painted when I was learning plein air (painting on location instead of in the studio). The other was painted my normal way, working from photos in the studio. Still, something just doesn’t suit me in any of these Three Rivers oil paintings.

I don’t know why this painting of the South Fork of the Kaweah bugs me.

I painted this while standing across the road from the Kaweah Post Office, then touched it up several times, but the bottom line is that I am more comfortable with detail than blurry things.

This one was painted with my easel standing in the living room while I looked out the window at my snowball bush in bloom, with Moro Rock and Alta Peak in the distance. Once again, it is just too blurry. I have fought to see clearly for most of my 61 years and cannot accept a fuzzy version of life and then pretend as if I like it.

It isn’t good to show and try to sell work that I am not pleased with. So, back on the easels, where I just sat and studied them for awhile.

These paintings will take some thought, time and work. 





  1. At first glance, the top painting of the river–it looks crooked, like the river is “banked” or leaning to the right, rather than flowing flat across the ground. See what I mean? That’s what I noticed, anyway.

    I agree about the detail over fuzzy. If I wanted fuzzy, I would buy a Monet.

    Moro/Alta, maybe subtlize (I just made that up!) the flowers in the foreground?

    Every good artist has a collection of rejected works. It’s all part of the learning/creative process! (Sorry to get all philosophical on you.)

    • Sharon, it does look slanted, but I am just baffled as to how straighten it. Which part needs leveling? I will just cover up this, that, and the other thing until it stops twisting my vision sideways.

      Monet’s work was all polka-dotted; if I wanted fuzzy, I’d not wear my cheaters, or take out my contacts.

      As to the flowers in the foreground, nobody cares except Michael and me.

      Thank you for philosophizing – I always enjoy your thoughts!

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