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Three Questions

  1. Why was this shutter on the slope above our cabin?
  2. Where did it come from?
  3. What shall I do with it?


  1. Paint Wildflowers on it and take it back to mk

    • Good idea, Laurie. I’ll add it to the mix of good ideas and see what ends up on top.

  2. Put an old framed picture on it. Would be fun!!

    • Melissa, too many good ideas to make a decision yet. Yours is a good one too!

  3. 1. Left over from a cabin build and/or remodel?
    2. Someone’s woodworking shop?
    3. I think you already know! 😉

    P.S. Checking “Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.” doesn’t.

    • Sharon, I have an idea about what to do with it, but am letting it mull a bit. And it is such a weird thing to suddenly appear up behind our cabin. I’m sorry that checking the box isn’t working. I have no idea how to make this thing work!

  4. My thoughts. Keep it or ship it to me! Paint a small wildflower scene in the middle. Hang it up and enjoy! Don’t alter the original paint. Wayne

    • Wayne, your ideas are good, although it might crumble if it got tossed around on UPS trucks between here and you!

  5. I think it’s beautiful! Love the color. I’d hang a boxwood wreath over it and mount it either inside or out. At first I was thinking – paint some flowers or something on it- but there is beauty in the rustic look itself.

    • Anne, I have an idea for the shutter, but it could change as I mull it over. Your ideas are very up-to-date!

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