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That Was Quick

On Friday I delivered some notecard packages to the Mural Gallery in Exeter. Manager Cindy told me of good sales of paintings there and said someone bought an 8×8″ oil painting of a poppy. That someone also requested the same size of an orange and another of a pomegranate. I asked a few questions, then went off to the Courthouse Gallery for a day of gallery-sitting and painting.

A little later, I heard from Cindy that the customer is from Barcelona, Spain, and will be returning there shortly after Christmas. That’s cutting things a little close, especially since I may not be going back down the hill before then.

When I looked in my crate of supplies, I saw an 8×8″ canvas with a photo of an orange lying on top of it. Hmmm, I wonder. . .

So, I started a new painting of an orange.

Because I have painted more oranges than I can remember, I was able to veer away from the photo but keep it believable. Of course, I had my painting friend with me to point out any areas of weakness.

I bypassed a few steps here: no wire on the back, no layering, no drying, no scan, no varnishing. But it will dry, Cindy will deliver, and our customer from Spain will go home with 2 paintings in her luggage!


  1. So are you changing your business name to Cabinart International?

    • Dan, I have learned that occasionally interesting stuff happens but it rarely becomes a pattern worthy of a name change!

      • “Serving art aficionados around the world since 2021.”

        • Sounds fun, but I think my work has gone to other countries in the past.

  2. Give the customer what he (she) wants, that’s the ticket! Way to deliver, Mid-California Artist!

    • Sharon, Dad used to tell me, “You kisses their fanny and you takes their money.”

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