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Twelve (Non-Thank You) Reasons to Hand-write Notes

This is the most current drawing of the no longer open Kaweah Post Office. This card is now available on my website; the older version is only available only in person IF any remain. (The original drawings have sold.) 

Reasons to write notes besides saying “thank you”

  1. Here is the $11 you spent on postage sending my sweater to me.
  2. This magazine article reminded me of you.
  3. Here is the recipe you asked for; I wrote it out so you won’t have to waste printer ink.
  4. I found this old photo of us in which we look like underfed children.
  5. I made you a bookmark.
  6. Isn’t real mail fun? 
  7. I forgot to tell you this when we talked last and it is so important I want you to have it in a format you will keep for awhile.
  8. Wish you weren’t moving to Colorado/Kentucky/Texas/Oregon/Angola.
  9. My printer is out of ink so I decided to use a pencil.
  10. I miss you.
  11. Our post office is terrific and it is good to buy stamps from them so they stay in business because if they don’t where will we mail things that need to be weighed first, like calendars, and packages of notecards for sale, so here is a note just because.
  12. Here is a happy surprise for you—real mail in your mailbox! (Thank you, Louise!)

This is the older version of the Kaweah Post Office drawing. When these cards are gone, this design will be retired, just like the post office itself. 

I bet you can think of a few other ideas yourself.

Let’s keep this quaint method alive of showing people that we care!


  1. I think you need to add one more: Because it is such a happy surprise to find REAL mail when we open our P.O. boxes!

    • Louise, you are so right – thank you! I will change it now.

  2. I have recently written some of the points you offered; i.e., #2, 6, 7, and 10. Here are a few more “excuses” I’ve used:
    12. Happy Birthday! I hope you have a wonderful day celebrating with friends and family.
    13. I’m so sorry to hear about the loss of your friend/family member/pet.
    14. I heard you were feeling down, so I wanted to send you a few cartoons to cheer you up.
    15. I’m praying for you during this difficult time.
    And last, but not least . . .
    16. I’m sorry you couldn’t make it to Mineral King this summer. Maybe next year!

    • Sharon, some of these appeared in the first post about sending notes. I was just so amazed to see that every note I sent was written for a different reason. And some of yours were ones I hadn’t thought of! My own post inspired me to write 3 notes this morning. People need love in their mailboxes, for sure and for certain.

      • “People need love in their mailboxes.” I love that! (I recently mailed a birthday card to a neighbor who turned 90 years old yesterday!)

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