Pencil Commission of Wilsonia Cabin

For over a year, a pencil commission of a Wilsonia cabin has been waiting for decisions to be made by the cabin owners. I too have been waiting. And waiting and waiting and waiting.

2 other sketches

We finally got together in person and discussed some details. They chose a view, chose a size, and paid a deposit.

I got a little ahead of myself in this commission. Normally the customer decides the size, pays 1/2 down, and then I take the photos and do the sketches. For several reasons, I didn’t do this one in the right order, which made me nervous. In the past, when the steps get out of sequence, I usually do a bunch of work for free. Then, the customer just flakes away, because he has no monetary commitment, or as in today’s vernacular, “no skin in the game”.

Not these folks. I persisted, we finally connected, and now this drawing is in progress!

cabin drawing

Lots of fuzzy background trees – my hope is to add interest (and distract from all the vagueness) by adding that closer branch.

Lots and lots of little details too. I was relieved they didn’t want all the signs, the 2 bridges, the bird house, the bird bath, the wind chimes, the plaque, etc. The water wheel and wishing well were fiddly enough.

As a right-hander, I work from top to bottom, left to right. This minimizes the smearing from my hand dragging across the piece as I draw.



Commissioned Pencil Drawing of Wilsonia Cabin

This is a completed drawing of a Wilsonia cabin. I couldn’t decide if this post belonged here on my normal blog, or if it belongs on The Cabins of Wilsonia.

The drawing won’t be in the book. Those pages are already designed, and this cabin has its front door represented in the chapter of Park Road.

Knowing the drawing won’t be in the book freed me up to put color in the flag. I love doing that!

Do you draw anymore?

Now that I am an oil painter, I get asked this question. The answer is YES!! I LOVE to draw! These days I draw commissions only and am building my “body of work” (Artspeak for “inventory”) in oil. See? Isn’t this a beautiful cabin? It’s a bit reminiscent of the homes around Tahoe near Camp Richardson (in my last blog posting about walking). Love that shingle siding and multiple gables!
