Mineral King Rocks

Some people collect rocks. Some people learn about them, join clubs, polish them, and make jewelry. Some people notice shapes, some notice textures, others notice patterns, and I notice colors and sparkles. Here is a collection of photos of many rocks found through the years in Mineral King. They are all Leverites – “leave ‘er right where you found her”.

These were all found on the way to Soda Springs by people who notice shapes.

Galina, the stuff the Mineral King miners got excited about.

Shape, color, patterns all appear in this one rock.

The color is turquoise but the rock is not (and I’m not telling where!)

Anything white, sparkly and sort of crystalish gets called “quartz” by me. I don’t know the difference between quartz and mica.

Multi-colored and sparkly – got my attention! This is part of some mine tailings in White Chief.

This obsidian was found on Empire and must have been traded with other Indians from the east side of the Sierra for the making of arrowheads.

Oh yes, we heart Mineral King. It rocks.