More on Mendocino

There is a popular book among artists called The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron. It recommends that artists take field trips to gather new inspiration. So, I took a field trip to Mendocino. I believe that we absorb much more visually that we realize, and although I might not have immediate plans to paint scenes of the North Coast (no outlet for selling them – gotta be practical here!), the beauty, the colors, something I saw in one of the galleries (or the yarn shop), something I saw or thought of while on my 9-1/2 hour drive could be the seed of a new idea. Carol is as obsessed with seaglass as I am with yarn, and since she lives in the Seattle area, we don’t get to spend much time together. I learned of Glass Beach in Ft. Bragg, and we decided to meet there. Although it was a stormy weekend, it was ideal. The best time to find seaglass is after a storm, and we were blessed with a sunny Saturday for our foraging.


The waves were awe inspiring.


This just cracks me up – Seattle girl soaking up Vitamin D on a California beach in January, BAREFOOT in a place called “Glass Beach” and with Starbuck’s coffee in her hand!


We had shoes on for this part.


It was definitely what John Eldredge refers to as a “rainbow day”.



Mendocino, Mineral King and Yarn



This was a gift to a generous person who lent her home in Mendocino to me and my friend Carol over the weekend. Mendocino is So Very Far away, and yet this lady loves Mineral King. So, this is for her! It was especially lovely to have a home instead of a motel room when it rained like the dickens on Sunday. We spent the heart of the day walking around town, poking into art galleries and the Mendocino Yarn Shop (You didn’t expect me to just walk past it, did you?) I learned the strangest thing: every piece of abstract art we saw reminded me of yarn!