Out Of The Office

So to speak. . . the blogging office, that is. Today I have a guest post over at Chris LoCurto’s blog. He works for Dave Ramsey, and his blog is a great source of information on leadership, business, stuff like that. The commenting community is full of business leaders, sharp folks who have so much to say in the comments.

I don’t really fit in because I am a regional artist from Quaintsville, not a business leader. I like hanging out with smart people from other parts of the country who are learning, sharing their wisdom and  involved in growing their businesses. Besides, they are nice to me. 😎

We have a ton of fun on Chris’s blog, and it is a great honor to be able to post there. Head on over and see what I have to say. Mostly, see what the commenters have to say – they are the brilliant ones!

oil painting of marmot

I sort of feel like a marmot –  making noise, slightly irritating, but maybe kind of cute in a dorky way. However, rest assured that I do not chew on radiator hoses or brake lines.