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Summer’s Coming and so is the Bridge

Last week it got cold and rainy but I painted in the unheated workshop anyway because summer is coming and I will wish it was cold. Yes, there is a heater which Trail Guy offered to light for me several times, but I declined. It was overcast, and I knew I wouldn’t be painting all day because it was a little hard to see the colors correctly.

In deciding which of the 7 Mineral King oil paintings to work on, it may not surprise you that I chose one of the Oak Grove Bridge, my favorite subject to draw and paint.

The bridge needs to be refined and the foliage needs to be finished. Then I will probably start on the other oil painting of my favorite bridge in all of Tulare County. 



  1. Hello Jana,

    Your blog is paying off——-giving a sneak preview of the art for the show!

    What are the dimensions for the painting of the bridge? I too, love the subject. To me – it’s the bridge of possibilities……the candy store, skiing at Wolverton, Mineral King, the Noisy Water Cafe, the Sequoias…… all places a part of my growing up. Fond memories indeed.

    If someone from say Oregon- were to buy it, what would be the total cost- including shipping.

    Happy that spring has arrived for you. We are still dealing with the aftereffects of the ice storm. I lost many beautiful trees, and my shade garden now has full sun…..but we have firewood…..Mike would say! Ha ha

    • Anne, thank you for your kind words and your interest! The bridge is 6×18, cost including shipping to Oregon is $165. (If a Californian is reading this, there is an additional $12.78 sales tax, please forgive me, although it is not my fault).

      And just to be certain, this bridge is on the Mineral King road, not Highway 198.

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