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Sometimes in Church

Sometimes in church, I draw.

And sometimes I paint.

First Baptist National Forest

I gave my church snow-covered mountains for Christmas.

Things are a little different in Three Rivers than down the hill.


  1. Jana,

    I wish I could sit beside you in church as you draw. One of our artist friends likes to draw during church too. I like the folds of the woman’s hood.

    You painted the church! Neat.

    Morgan is taking a college art class again (several actually) and in her Color Theory class, she has to mix and create 2000 different colors before tomorrow. She has been working all weekend, and is still down there, mixing and painting tiny squares. Did you have to do that assignment too?

    Catch me up on your life, friend. 🙂

    Jennifer Dougan

    • Hi Jennifer,

      It is probably past time for me to write to you. . .

      I am so interested in Morgan’s classes, her assignments and her responses to them. Assignments can be so bizarre and seemingly random. I DID do the paint mixing assignment when I made it through 1/2 a semester at a JC a few years ago. It was extremely tedious and super-helpful in my abilities to mix colors. We only used the primaries, and there were some colors I could not mix at all. After asking the teacher, it turned out that he could not mix them either because they just couldn’t be achieved with the primaries alone.

      It was weird to be asked to paint a mural in the front of the sanctuary. I did it under the conditions that no one ever announce my name in association with it; I NEVER want to use my church as a billboard. So the announcer said “Welcome to First Baptist National Forest. This is Salvation Meadow, and that is the General Alex Garcia tree”. This year I quietly added mountains. One of the most fun parts is that i have a key to the sound booth and could crank up music I like while I painted!

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