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Some flowers, a painting, and a lost and found sketch

A couple of weeks ago, a friend and I decided to ride bikes in Lemon Cove, because there are flat roads down there. We parked at the Lemon Cove Woman’s Club (I think that is the odd way the name is spelled), and we were just slayed by the orange blossom scent and the incredible Lady Banks rose at the clubhouse.

As wonderful as it all was, it was still a workday, so we headed back up the hill (in a car with a bike rack—remember, we were seeking flat roads to ride.)

Kaweah Arts sold a painting on their opening weekend, and I needed to replace it.

Sequoia Siblings, 6×18″
No, really, it will be good!

It was a bit of an overcast and chilly day, so I moved into the studio to begin a commissioned pencil drawing. (I’ll tell you more about this one later, as the details unfold.)

After studying 5 not-so-great photos, I made 3 sketches for the customer to determine if I could capture the Minnesota cabin for her parents’ anniversary gift. Then, I lost the sketches. Good thing I scanned them —HEY! I BET THEY ARE IN MY SCANNER!!


Alrighty then, let’s just calm down. I worked off the laptop to start the drawing (because I couldn’t find the sketches).

About an hour later of checking angles, drawing, measuring, erasing, and repeating the dance several times, I ended up with this mighty impressive foundational drawing.

Gotta draw the dog before you draw the fleas. . . and this dog has many challenges. Never fear—I am up to the task.


  1. I think Lemon Cove has a Women’s Club. 3 Rivers has a Woman’s Club…a club for every woman. ?

    • Nikki, I should have looked at the sign, maybe even photographed it so I can stop being confused about the funny name!

  2. We, too, are always amazed by that rose. And have you seen the tree-covering wisteria in full bloom on North Fork right now? Also amazing. What a spring we’ve had. Too bad the NEXT rain w/b on Jazzaffair. Always enjoy reading your blog and seeing your photos and your art every day — and the cats! Great that you made a sale already at Nancy’s Dome. Things look really good in there, and we’re hoping it w/b a big success, with the added attractions on the river deck and at the upcoming food truck to encourage more visitor traffic.

    You can read the story of the Pogue Hotel/Lemon Cove Women’s Club at Be sure to read it on your laptop or desktop, NOT on your phone. We’re still slaving away to redo the website so that it will display well on phones. In 2011, it never occurred to us that we should design it for those tiny, narrow phone displays.

    • Laurie, I feel honored to have you as one of my blog readers. I haven’t seen the wisteria up North Fork, but have been enjoying the ones along Kaweah River Drive. Thanks for the link to the LCWC, abbreviated here because I haven’t yet read their proper name!

What do you think?