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Some Days Are Too Busy For Painting

Each day I have a list of what I hope to do. It usually only includes projects to finish, and I forget about all the Other Stuff. On Friday, the Other Stuff was piled high and deep. 

  1. Look at the tree outside the studio and decide it was worth photographing.
  2. Send out an email newsletter announcing the upcoming coloring book, the early sale price for the calendar, and the upcoming show. Do you get the newsletter? You can sign up on my blog, just over there to the right. (This thing below is just a picture of how the subscribe dealie looks, not something that you can actually make work.)
  3. Put calendars in envelopes and address them to fill orders as they come in.
  4. Test the website link that my friend Jon so graciously let me know didn’t work.
  5. Write and send a new email newsletter with the corrected link.
  6. Contact the places that requested coloring books so I can know about how many to order.
  7. Finish designing the coloring book and order. (Thank you, CJBK, for all your design assistance!)
  8. Write a new biography and artist statement for the upcoming solo show, “Images of Home” and send it to the gallery director, after calling him to learn what format he needs. (Things are so complicated now that tech has simplified our lives.)
  9. Finalize the list of paintings and drawings to go in the show and send it.
  10. Gather photos of paintings and drawings to use for publicity for the show and send them.
  11. Remember to use Instagram to reestablish a presence there so I can use it to publicize the show.

Finally, it was time to paint, but the neighbor’s dog was barking so incessantly that I couldn’t think. She doesn’t answer emails or return phone calls, so I can only conclude that she doesn’t care. It is a perpetual nuisance.

So, how about a look at the tree outside my studio? It is my very own leaning tree, a flowering pear. It makes flowers in February, shade throughout the summer, and good color in October. My old cat Perkins who was with me for 17 years used to scratch against the tree, and my theory is that he caused it to lean.

Tomorrow I will share some specifics about all the items mentioned above (and hope the links work).


  1. “Things are so complicated now that tech has simplified our lives.” More profound than you realize, I’ll bet.

    Never did “get” Instagram. But I know many, many, many, many people use it, so it’s probably good you have an account there. (If you ever need help with Twitter, let me know!)

    Doesn’t Three Rivers have a barking dog ordinance of some sort? She could be cited for animal cruelty, too. Have you checked on the dog to see if it’s OK? Abandoned animals make me so sad. People who abandon animals make me very, very, very angry.

    Thank you for wrapping up your blogpost with beauty.

    • Sharon, it takes work to resist the allure of tech, knowing that it is never simple. I will resist as much as possible, so thank you for your offer of Twitter help; it is in the same category as Fakebook for me, so for now, I will pass. I’gram feels like a waste of time and it takes discipline for me to participate.

      Three Rivers is unincorporated county and thus has no ordinances. The dogs are fine; they are just bored, undisciplined, and stupid.

      Thank you for reading the blog post! Sometimes I write them simply for me, because some days it feels as if I have accomplished nothing until I see it written down.

      • I don’t blame you! Most people have a love/hate relationship with Social Media, alas.

        I’m glad to hear the dogs are fine. Sometimes I think it’s the owners who are undisciplined and stupid!

        Blogposts can be a good way to archive stuff that happens in your life. It’s kind of a digital diary, albeit public (if you choose to make it thus). I use F*c*b**k for this purpose more than my blog which no one reads anyway! To each her own, eh?

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