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Sold in January and February

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Sales were slow in those two months.

 I expected to have had completed several murals by now. Instead, there are endless delays on the big Catholic church murals, my proposal on another mural was not chosen, yet another mural sounded all urgent back in August but the “customer” doesn’t return calls, and a public office which chose my art for its new building had a change in management so everything is on stand-by.

I also expected to have sold a piece or two in a show called Tulare County: Varied Impressions. Only one piece sold in the entire show, and it wasn’t mine. Bummer. Maybe I should have gone to the reception. . . nah.

Self-employment as an artist is easier after a few years of seeing patterns of sales and understanding that conversation is simply conversation until money exchanges hands.

These sold*:

(This one is in acrylic, on a large wooden panel.)

*Sold includes one given as a gift, and 3 on layaway at Kaweah Arts.


  1. Your clients have excellent taste!

    • Well, thank you, Sharon!

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