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So Far, So Good

Hello, Blog Readers,

You may have heard that Three Rivers is under evacuation orders because of the SQF Complex wildfire.

Due to the nature of living in canyons with only one way out, the Powers That Be have deemed it prudent for two areas to vacate. Our neighborhood is still fine, not under mandatory evacuation. Trail Guy and I are making plans, getting ready in case evacuation becomes necessary.

This is how things looked here yesterday.

Thank you for your concern. Your emails, texts, phone calls, offers of help are all deeply appreciated.

Now, if you are a praying sort of person, please hit your knees on behalf of Three Rivers.


  1. Praying for Three Rivers…..seems that our prayer lists are long these days

  2. Stay safe, y’all, including your 4-legged family members!

    And for sure, prayers lifted to the Throne of Grace on behalf of all those who live or work in Three Rivers!

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