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Show Prep

The weather was stunning last week, which made it difficult to focus on work. Trail Guy invited me to go enjoy the great outdoors with him, so I spent 2 hours doing non-work. Then I dove back into my show prep.

First, I chose photos for Arts Visalia to use for publicity. They requested 4; I chose 12. Oops. 

Then I worked on the artist statement, which I streamlined a bit more (thank you, Blog Reader Sharon!)

Next, I filled out the contract. Seems a little bit out of order, but maybe they know that I am a woman of my word.

Finally, I painted.

These big boys are a little cumbersome to move around and store while wet. 

Finally, I decided this smaller one is finished, no more messing around.

Sunny Sequoias #33, oil on wrapped canvas, 12×16″, $325 (including tax)

You may breathe easier, seeing that I didn’t put this Sequoia oil painting in the dumpster.

Pippin is certainly feeling better about life now that he is allowed access to this chair in the living room.



  1. You’re most welcome! Ask any time–there is editing in my blood, inherited from my journalism professor father.

    The Sequoia painting turned out beautifully! See? I knew you could fix it!

    Hi, Pippin!

    • Sharon, I edited it even further. Based on my experience with such things, I was driven by the fact that essentially, no one cares. People skim rather than read.

      Thank you for encouraging me to continue fixing the Sequoia.

      Pippin would say hello back, but he is either killing lizards or sleeping.

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