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Show Day

Last Saturday I participated in the first ever Lemon Cove Women’s Club Harvest Fest (or Festival, depending on which sign I read). I got up at 0-dark-thirty and drove the 14 miles to the beautiful women’s club.

Newly painted and glowing in the morning light.

My space was in the dining room, and my assignment was to cover up and protect the china cabinet in the corner.

The giant dining table was offered to me, so I accepted their kind offer and off-loaded my own table and free-standing pedestals so I could get to my display screens. If I had known in advance, it would have made the loading day easier. But, that’s the thing with shows – you just never know.

Alrighty then, china hutch hidden, merchandise in place, time to go exploring around this grand building that I have admired for so many years.

Smelled heavenly, because the ladies of the club baked all morning long.
The front door is open, and the dining room with my things is immediately to the right.
The front looks much better in the glowing afternoon sunshine, but by the afternoon, my feet hurt and I wanted to go home instead of take photos.
When I lived in Lemon Cove, I had P.O. Box 194. The old PO boxes are upstairs in the clubhouse, and I OPENED MY BOX!! (It was empty.)
This is the view from the front steps.

The show was fun because I loved the location, it smelled heavenly, the ladies of the club were so welcoming and helpful. The visitors were steady but no giant rush, so there was plenty of time to talk with them. I saw lots of old friends, met some new folks, sold lots of coloring books and calendars, and stood almost the entire day.

The ladies asked if we’d be willing to stay later than the closing time of 4; I said yes, but by 4:30, most all the vendors had packed and left, so I did the same. Meanwhile, I was able to get one more photo of this grand place with afternoon light.

This is the room across the hall from the dining room. It has a stage at one end, so seems to serve as their primary gathering room.

Then it was time to box up everything and schlep it out to the pick-em-up truck. Loading went smoothly, I drove home where Trail Guy was waiting to help me unload, and then I counted my money and called my walking buddy to say, “Wah wah my feet hurt I can’t go tomorrow wah wah”.

Good show. Not a great show, but a good show. I really really like Lemon Cove.


  1. Jana – looks like a beautiful display and so well described!
    I hope to use the building, Lord willing, Dec. 1 for a Women’s gathering.
    Sue Ritter

    • Hi Sue, I don’t know where you are any more and am so touched that you found my site and commented. Thank you for the invitation and I emailed you back about it.

  2. I too, have always been curious about this historical Lemon Cove building. Wow! Would love to tour it- I felt like I’d stepped back in time. Thank you for sharing these Jana. Oh, a letter’s in the mail to Box 194!

    • Rachelle, if you ever want to see inside, let me know and I’ll make a phone call for you to cause it to happen!

        • Okay! Let me know when you will be passing through and I’ll see what can be arranged for you.

  3. Ha, just noticed your subtitle: “In which the Central Calif. artist gets confused as to whether she is telling about a beautiful building or about a festival.” (Or a “Fest?”)

    • Sharon, I am having fun with those subtitles, an addition to my blog courtesy of my new site design.

  4. I’ve always wondered what the inside of that iconic building looked like, as I passed it on my way up or down the hill. And it was just as I pictured it! I love exploring historic buildings.

    • Me too, Sharon! Old buildings just feel different – ornate, solid, important and full of . . . well, history, I guess!

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