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She Loves Flowers, Chapter Three

I wasn’t joking about loving flowers.

My yard is huge, and these represent little dots of color, scattered all around. It is not like some classic English garden, or as if everything is perfectly placed and professionally landscaped. But oh my goodness, I do love me some flowers.

P.S. This post comes to you after a very full busy weekend. I will tell you a bit about it later this week. Now, hold it down, will ya? I want to take a nap.


  1. We had iris about that same deep purple color in our back yard when I was young. My mother loved her iris flowers! I do, too, and would love to find some that would thrive on neglect in a pot. So far, the marigolds are doing well, surrounding my 5-inch high tomato plant. “Hope springs eternal” as they say! (Whoever “they” are)

    Now go back to bed!

    • Sharon, my gardening efforts are a continual demonstration of the triumph of hope over experience. Marigolds are supposed to be good with tomatoes, something about keeping bugs away. My experience is that marigolds either just sit without growing or they attract little white flies.

      • Hmmmm, well, hopefully my marigolds will do neither! But for now, they have pretty yellow flowers. And if I’m extremely blessed, they’ll keep away those ugly, monstrous green tomato worms, yuk!

        • I used to pay little neighbor kids 25¢ per worm when we lived in Lemon Cave. They had to kill the worms, couldn’t just move them to the alley. Where do those creatures live when there aren’t tomatoes in one’s yards?

          • And how do they get to my plant? One of life’s mysteries, I suppose.

            (I hear they’re delicious sauteed in oil.)

            (Not really, I’m just seeing what it takes to gross out your readers.)

            (Sorry Not Sorry)

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