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Seven Skies and Two Paintings in Progress

Skies first on five
Found a sixth one that was ready for a sky.
Started with sky here, moved to the distant peak.
Slowly moving forward
Sky first
Dirt and standpipe next
Trees placed
Better dirt with shadows and texture

This will need to dry before I add in the blossoms.

Hi, Pippin!


  1. I find it interesting that some artists will have several projects going simultaneously (I suppose to keep things more interesting and less boring) whereas some artists like to start a project, finish it, then move on to the next. You are of the former persuasion, I am of the latter (pronounced like “ladder” but with an entirely different meaning and parts of speech. But I digress.) persuasion when it comes to creating by crochet. Whatever floats your boat (and where did that saying come from?)!

    Hi, back atcha, Pippin!

    • Sharon, I have multiples going at once for a variety of reasons. 1. Sometimes I get stuck on an aspect but need to keep producing; 2. When I have an idea I want to try, I start before the urge passes; 3. It is more efficient to work assembly-line style; 4. It reduces the tedium when a project is in the “messy middle”.

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