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Second New Commission (or The Green Tunnel)

There is a section of trail in the Mineral King valley that I think of as the Yellow Tunnel in the fall. It is also the Green Tunnel in the summer, and I showed a photo of it on my blog last month. Here, have another look:

A faithful blog reader asked if I would be willing to paint that for her, and of course I said yes. We chose 11×14″, and then while I was waiting for a printed version of the photo (and a deposit on the painting because I have learned the hard way that if a customer doesn’t make a monetary commitment, it is only a conversation, not a commission), where was I, oh yeah, while I was waiting, I looked at the Green Tunnel from another perspective.

Doesn’t really say Green Tunnel from this view, eh? But fun to consider, if you are a fairly simple person with plain tastes in what constitutes fun.

The check came, and I couldn’t wait for the printed photo but began painting from my laptop. This has benefits and disadvantages, but when one is eager to begin a job, one does what is necessary.

This is not my normal way of painting, but when something feels right and is working, I just go with it. I turned off the voices of all my previous instructors and said to my self, “Self,” I said, “I’ll be me and they can be them and it will all work out just fine.”

Tucker and Pippin were also fine with that, and I had to be very careful of where I stepped when standing back to view my progress. (Jackson was out working or something.)

Call me “Butter” – I’m on a roll!

Now it needs to dry before I continue or the sky will turn green.



  1. Oh…sorry. I’m Linda Rogers…..soon to be proud “owner” of this painting!!!

    • LINDA! You will be happy to know that the painting is almost finished – the blog posts are lagging behind reality. And the painting is starting to really please me. 😎

  2. Jana, I don’t believe I mentioned to you that I have a photograph of my husband and his brother walking that pathway….they were in front of me. So you see that it is special to me

    • Anonymous, that photo sounds special indeed, and it would be even more special if I knew who you were!

  3. I love watching this “come to life!”

    • Linda, that is a great relief to hear. Happy to be painting this for you!

  4. Very nice–I need to make this one of my walks when I’m back later this month!

    • Thank you, Sharon. That walk is a piece of cake. 😎

  5. It’s just lovely!! Leah

    • Thank you, Leah. It is a beautiful walk, and I hope I can do it justice with my painting.

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