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Refocusing on Real Art

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My real art is oil painting and pencil drawing. Road signs, deer cages, book safes are all just for fun. Useful fun, but fun, particularly because I listened to an audio book while working on them: Once Upon a Wardrobe, by Patti Callahan.

Then, I got serious and refocused on my real art.

I took this one all the way to the end.

Then I painted all the skies.

Next, I finished this one. Maybe. Now that I see it here, it is a bit too monochromatic for my tastes. (That means single colored . . . I wonder if wildflowers would look weird in the lower section. Certainly not believable, but maybe attractive.)

Finally, I finished another Sawtooth just before sliding into Idiotland.

Three down (maybe), five to go.

Mineral King oil paintings are the best sellers in the summer. The trick is to guess how many of which subjects and what sizes. 

I wonder if I could make a useful crystal ball??



  1. How are the sales going at Silver City? And the Arts place (sorry, I forgot the name. Creative Arts or something like that)? I was just wondering how many of these pieces are items for “restocking product.”

    • Sharon, sales are slow at both Silver City and Kaweah Arts, but always pick up in July and August. I am working ahead so that when something sells, I can quickly replace it.

      • That’s kind of how I work with baby afghans. I try and always have one blue and one pink one ready to go for the next baby that pops out!

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