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Redbud Report, Day One

Redbud, the arts and crafts festival in Three Rivers, not the flower, was a 2 day event over the past weekend. It was hot. I’m not complaining, just stating a fact.

Because this is a local event, it is a blend of meeting new folks and reconnecting with old friends. Here is a list of encounters that come to mind:

1.  Derek, an oil painter who chooses subjects similar to mine.

2. My former drawing student and friend (they almost always shift to the friend category) stopped by with her husband and 2 little girls. No, medium girls! I drew Chloe as a toddler and could see a bit of a resemblance in her almost 10 year old self! Kept getting her mixed up with her 8 year old sister . . . stupid old artist that I must have seemed to them!


My booth now has fabric covers over the screens, the art is spaced out, and each piece has a label. This is how it looked at the beginning of the show.


  1. Jana, your booth looks great! Love how you’ve placed the potted flowers around. Adds such a nice touch.

  2. Jana,

    Louise’s example of gratitude and living life to the fullest sounds very wise and happy indeed! Lord, teach me that too…

    Your art panel looks nice. It sounds like a fun event.

    Jennifer Dougan

    • Jennifer, appreciate hearing from you at such a busy edge-of-your-seat time in your life! The event is fun, hot, tiring, exciting, hot. And it is hot. Thanks for liking my display!

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