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Rainy Morning Fun in Mineral King

How many people does it take to build a futon bunk bed?

FIVE! (The white in the foreground is the so-called “instruction” sheet and reader’s hands, and #5 is taking the photo.)

No, SIX!! (The cowboy hat is on the head of an engineer, who was just as baffled as we were by the so-called “instructions”.)

What are all these people needed for?

One to read the directions, another to interpret, someone to find the pieces that the illustrations don’t accurately illustrate, someone else to decide which way the piece should go (which the instructions don’t instruct), two people to hold the pieces in place, two others to put the bolts in, someone to photo-document the process, and someone else to learn how to use the self-timer on a camera.

That is more than six, but some of us jump from task to task as needed.

This man is laughing as he undoes the top platform for the third time. Does that little bar go on top or on the bottom? Where are the holes to attach the ladder? Why is neither thing mentioned or shown on the so-called “instruction” sheet?

It takes a village to build a futon bunk bed.

After we placed it, we realized that climbing on the ladder meant bashing one’s head AND that the side windows in the little cabin will not open with this Thing in this place.

But, a good time was had by all, and the futon bunk bed is now assembled.

Isn’t it amazing what passes for entertainment in The Land of No Electricity?



  1. I loved this post! I especially loved the pictures that go along with it! I could feel the confusion clear over here in Texas 🙂

    • Shannon, it was crazy hard, and we had a blast!

  2. Ooooo boy, was that FUN ??????????????????????

    • Yes it was! But I am still baffled by the non-instructive instructions. You and I could write some fantastic directions – why aren’t those people calling on us for help?

  3. Woah, I think even Hillary Clinton’s village would have struggled with that one.

    Q: will it fit someone 6’6″?

    • Steven, I think if you pulled out the bottom section and laid on it diagonally, you might be able to sleep on that thing!

  4. … ok … gotta ask … bunk set from IKEA?

    • Diane, it wasn’t from Ikea, but I don’t know where it came from. I just know it was the worst set of instructions I’ve ever encountered. We were very thankful that all the pieces were in the box!

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