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Painting in Silence

One day we had no internet. This also meant no cell service (because we don’t have cell service at our house the cell phone works off the wifi) and no landline. So no podcasts, just concentrating on the current painting in silence.


I remembered my stereo and popped in a CD when I got tired of my loop-di-loop thoughts. Just sat and drew with my paintbrush and listened to music while painting this classic Tulare County scene for the Long Way Off show.



  1. Almost off-the-grid enough to remind you of a place you (and the rest of us) should be right about now! (Soon! Soon!)

    • Sharon, whenever we go silent, I remind myself that it is a normal way to be in the summer. The hard part is that people try to each us to no avail. (WHY isn’t my comment approved? WHY is she not calling back? WHERE ARE THEY?? —can’t do a blasted thing about it except explain later.)

      • That’s the modern digital age–instant gratification required. Maybe that’s why MK hadn’t become more popular than it is. Which is perfectly fine with me, as one has enough challenges trying to maneuver around illegally parked cars!

        • I am pretty sure that many people don’t go to MK because the lack of “connectivity”. Silver City realized if it was going to attract people, it needed to offer the internet. And so many people take their phones hiking and then retrieve messages while on high places, or listen to music while walking. They take solar chargers with them too. So far I have resisted successfully.

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