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Painted Flowers To Give, Sell, and Keep

On a rainy afternoon, I set up at the dining table in the house. I would rather work in the house when it is cold and dark in the painting workshop. That’s kind of a “Duh” statement, no?

I felt like painting but the two large commissions are just too much for painting at the dining table.  There was still time to sell more small pieces at the Courthouse Gallery. But wait! Maybe I’d like to keep a painting of a poinsettia.

I do this every year—paint a few poinsettias thinking to keep them for my own use. Then I change my mind and sell them, figuring I can always paint one any time. And then, the cycle repeats. 

I’ve painted enough of these red flowers to not really follow the photos.

See that 2″ square canvas? It is a pomegranate becoming a poinsettia.

This time instead of using 2 yellows, 2 blues, 2 reds, and white, I used 1 yellow, 1 blue, 2 reds, and white.

Here it is, shiny wet, ready to go on top of the armoire for drying.

And what is this?

It used to be a painting of orange blossoms, but apparently no one except me liked it. So, it is becoming Matilija poppies for a friend’s upcoming birthday. She doesn’t read my blog – most of my closest friends don’t. Kind of weird, but true.

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  1. Happy New Year Jana! I don’t check email very often, but this year, one of my resolutions is to read yours every day. It makes me think, smile and laugh sometimes.

    • Oh Careen, you have made my day. My week! My upcoming year! Thank you so much for checking in, and you should have received 2 letters in the real mail from me recently.

  2. What do you mean, most of your closest friends don’t read your blog? What’s the matter with them??

    (Their loss!)

    • Sharon, I don’t should on people, so I haven’t actually asked my friends why. My guess is they are one or more of the following: busy, non-techie, overloaded with too many things on their little machines, used to more exciting things, self-centered, annoyed that the photos don’t show up on their phones, hear it all from me in person, forgetful, or find my blog to be boring.

      In summary, I am touched when people actually read it, and really pathetically grateful to those such as yourself who comment. THANK YOU!

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