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Ornament, Round 2

Or is that Round Ornament 2? Or Round Ornament Layer 2? Or Round Ornament 2nd Layer?

Never mind. No more caffeine for you, Young Lady!


    • Thank you, Cheryl, but I just looked at these photos again and feel sort of woozy. The reflections off wet and uneven paint strokes even make it look worse in photography than in real life. Deep breaths, deep calming breaths, more layers will improve it! (Now I want some chocolate!)

  1. I just want to know where you found the one-hair brush for all the intricacies!

    • Steven, it is actually a figure of speech. (You may have noticed that I am a little prone to exaggeration at times. . .) It is a euphemism for the tiniest brush I can find!

  2. Thanks, Melissa! It looks cute, but that is only the first impression. The house is rather grand, with classy details out the wazoo (What is a wazoo? Never mind, I probably don’t want to know.) and it is much larger than this front view reveals.

  3. Cute house! Looks great!

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