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Orange and Green

The previous posts were Green and Orange, so I decided to shake things up by calling this one “Orange and Green”.

I spent a few hours painting one sunny afternoon while a hummingbird went bonkers inside the workshop, refusing to leave. He buzzed and buzzed, while Jackson talked and talked to him, talked to me about him, and finally gave up.

This excitement didn’t interfere too much with my ability to concentrate, but I did lose interest after finishing 4 poppies. Then I smeared a bit of paint on the oranges before quitting entirely.

The 6×6 and 8×8 poppies are commissions, so there is incentive to get them finished. The other pieces are just for general inventory, so no one is clamoring for them. No shows are scheduled, and it is nice outside. I have some knitting projects, the weeds are going nuts, and maybe, just maybe, I am lazy.

P.S. Instead of being “lazy”, I decided that I am just be tired.


  1. You are NOT lazy! Your creative gifts overflow daily!

    • Jane, I was wondering if it is lazy to ignore income producing work and just putz around with hobbies. Maybe “undisciplined” is a better word. We self-employed folks do have difficulties with knowing when it is okay to not be working, especially when work is located at home. Thank you for your affirmation—you are one of the most encouraging people I know!

  2. Those who create–whether with paint or yarn–are never lazy! We are creating visual beauty that will be enjoyed by many. The other stuff will get done eventually. Don’t sell yourself short, ma’am!

    • Okie dokie, artichokie.

      • Oooo, I love artichokies! Steamed, with mayo/mustard dipping sauce? Yummm!

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