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Oil Paintings Sold in August

This is Labor Day, so this is about some completed labors. Today I will share some oil paintings of Mineral King that sold as of mid-August at the Silver City Resort/Store.

I can’t decide if the sales are unusually high, or if I am simply thrilled because much of life seems less than thrilling these days. So, in the spirit of celebrating things for which to be thankful, rejoice with me.

Maybe it is showing off. Nah. I am just trying to be businesslike, reminding you all that:

I use pencils, oil paint, and murals to create art that you can understand of places and things you love for prices that won’t scare you.


  1. My favorite, FWIW? Third from the bottom, featuring the winding dirt-road-turned-path. Love!

    • Thank you, Sharon. I always like to learn of your opinion, which often influences my painting decisions. There is something about a road, a trail, or a winding river that pulls the viewer in.

      • Really, my opinion is valued? Wow, that just made my day. No, seriously!

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