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Odd Job, Day 5

Back to the coat of arms painting, an odd job of an oil painting commission.

I mixed and applied the correct green, along with a strong purple for the bottom ribbon. (It will need some detailing).

Then I mixed and applied a more golden yellow and a stronger blue.

The edges are a little weak, but the entire piece will get black outlines. This is a simple painting, but there is very little forgiveness with strong colors each abutting other strong clean colors. It requires a lot of drying time in between layers.


  1. Shouldn’t there be something in the other yellow panel across from the “D”? I just see something that looks like squiggles. However, I know nothing about family crests!

    • Marjie, you are right. What you see is a pencil “map” beneath wet yellow paint. When the yellow paint is dry, I will put black lines that mean something over the pencil.

  2. I can’t wait to see the finished product . . . in person!

    • And you will be pleased, because these things never photograph well!

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