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Mural, Day Three

On Day One, it was hot out. I wore shorts and painted in the shade. On Day Three, I wrapped it up early because of the icy wind that was whipping around, flapping the drop cloth, making my hand shake from the shivers. Weather Whiplash.

The pipe is annoying, so I decided to get that area finished first.
Pipe area is still not quite finished, but I am done with the annoyance of it for now.
By the end of the shivery painting session, I had scooted across to the big tree on the right. At the end of the day, I prefer to work standing or kneeling on the ground instead of on the ladder.
From a distance with a building blocking off the undone parts, you could get the false idea that the mural is finished.
Nosiree Bob.

Who is Bob? Some people say, “. . . and Bob’s your uncle” to mean that something has been accomplished. 

I don’t know who this Bob is, but today Kurt the Mailman stopped by to see the mural. Why does Kurt the Mailman care? He is a fabulous photographer and gave me a disk of his photos a number of years ago, along with his permission and blessing to use any for painting references. This mural is from one of Kurt the Mailman’s photographs! (I’m using quite a bit of artistic license, along with other photos for different details).


  1. It’s quite nIce to see the progress! (Did 3R get any snow yesterday??)

    However, it’s a shame you can’t paint all of the post, electrical boxes, conduits, and even all the dials that beautiful redwood bark color! Do you think they would mind if you did?

    • The pipe is rusty like redwood, and rust is hard to paint. The dials will show up regardless of the color of the pipe.

      • I meant paint the faces of the dials, too.

        • Sharon, if I did that, men in dark suits would whisk me away in the middle of the night.

          • Wouldn’t that just perfectly cap off Year 2020??

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