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More Snowy Sequoias

November is the busiest month in my business. This year is busier than ever, and there aren’t even any boutiques or festivals. It is so fun to have more projects than I can even show you. Here is the progress on the snowy sequoia oil painting commission. It is several days worth of painting.

The background will only need one more pass of detailing. There is still quite a bit of work left, which was puzzling to me. Why is this painting taking me so long? It feels as if I should be covering more territory in each painting session, but instead, I am inching along.

I’ll tell you why this is on Friday after a bit more time to process the ridiculousness of this situation.


  1. Is this one of those “find the differences in these two pictures” contest? Because your changes are so subtle I can’t see what you have changed. I think all the versions are lovely!

    Any any business based at home is busier these days because of the onerous mandates handed down by our governor (don’t get me started!) so enjoy the benefits of our state being on house arrest!

    • Sharon, the differences from photo to photo and subtle, and I didn’t arrange them in the right sequence. So, it is just a bunch different photos of a giant painting.

      Interesting that the home based business busy-ness would affect a non-essential who has worked from home for 20 years. My unproven theory is that people are spending money on art before the new administration taxes everyone into poverty.

      • And/or, it could be that people are desperate for some beauty and calmness right now, and art is the perfect (and permanent) fulfillment of that need!

        • I like your theory better!

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