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More Read-O-Rama

(Happy Birthday, Cousin Kelly!)

Salt & Light, portrait of a reading rabbit

  1. Stop Stealing Sheep & find out how type works by Erik Spiekermann and E.M.Ginger was a fun to read and fun to look at small book about typefaces. Well-written and well-presented. (But I still don’t know what typestyles to use in The Cabins of Wilsonia.) This book didn’t denigrate my favorite typeface of Papyrus. In fact, it said and I quote, “There is no bad type.” (Hey Cory, you listening??)
  2. Weird by Craig Groeschel was a gift from Chris LoCurto for being a top commenter on his blog.  I’ve been called weird most of my life, so the title of this one grabbed me. I raced through the first chapters, then lost interest. Don’t know why – it was well written and enjoyable.

There is no #3. I checked 5 books out of the library, finished one and wondered why I had bothered with it, skimmed another and realized I’d read it before, tried a third and rejected it, began a fourth and decided it was too navel-gazing and self-absorbed (an autobiography whose writer shall remain anonymous) and then tried a novel by a popular Christian fiction writer (who shall also remain anonymous). Couldn’t do it. Tried. Can’t.

Life’s too short to read boring/insipid/hackneyed/trite/characterless/violent books!.(I mean all those I tried, not just the Christian fiction) Guess I’ll just put this reading rabbit away for awhile until I have something worthwhile to share with you about reading.

Maybe I’ll just grab those primary colored books off the shelf and paint them again without the rabbit and salt shaker. There’s an idea!

What are you reading? Share with us in the comments!


  1. 1. Sacred Marriage (again!)
    2. Sacred Pathways (first time, same author)

    Francine Rivers Mark of the Lion series. took me three times to get past the history in book one. So glad I persevered! You will be inspired by the main character, Hadassah.
    She is my fav Christian fiction author. If you haven’t yet experienced her writing, start with The Atonement Child or Redeeming Love.

    • Deb, is there a book called “Sacred Art” or “Sacred Cabins”? 😎 Haven’t heard of these – thank you, I will look into them. And you aren’t the only one who loves Francine Rivers but apparently I am the only one who doesn’t! People keep recommending her books, I keep trying them, and it just reinforces my dislike of the genre. Sigh.

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