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Mooney Grove Tour II

More photos of Mooney Grove Park, where I took a walk each day after I finished working on the murals on the Tulare County Museum.

Speaking of the museum, let’s focus on that treasure today. I’ve included pictures of the Pioneer Village behind the museum (entered through the museum) and 3 photos inside the museum.

Tomorrow, we’ll look at a bridge, not my favorite bridge (Oak Grove), but a simpler bridge in a true oak grove. 


  1. My grandparents taught at Surprise School when they first came to Tulare in 1922. It was a night school English class for immigrants and Grandpa, who was an ag teacher at Tulare High, taught the men while my grandmother taught the women. She was pregnant with my mother at the time and they all gave her beautiful handmade lace as a baby gift.

    • Joyce, what a fun story – thank you for sharing!

  2. Beautiful, thank you!

    What is the tall, thin, red building in the second photo? It looks intriguing, and obviously built that way for a special reason.

    • It houses a clock that used to be in downtown Visalia. The clock works because a Cuban immigrant was able to fix it. (They are extremely resourceful and handy!)

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