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Mineral King Preservation Society

In 1986, the Mineral King Preservation Society was formed. The idea was to stop letting the cultural resources of Mineral King just fade away, without documentation or any attempt at preservation. (“Cultural resources” is fancy talk for things that come from humans, like buildings or mines.) 

They (we?) have come a long way. Now there is a real curator, a real director, a real assistant – 3 paid employees. This is after many years of volunteers wearing themselves out to keep the thing together. The MKPS now has a grand vision for including the Southern Sierra. In addition, they (we? – I’m not on the board, but it feels like I belong to the organization anyway) have a room at the Three Rivers Historical Museum (with 3 murals in it by me), a website (with a blog where I post when requested), a separate office building at the bottom of the Mineral King Road, and (drum roll) a new logo! (Nope, not gonna show you the old one. We are trying to forget about that.)

The little building in the logo is the Honeymoon Cabin, which has served as a mini-museum for many years right in Mineral King. It is now nicer inside than it has ever been, thanks to those afore-mentioned employees.

THANK YOU, Hard-Working Volunteers, for your many many many (many many many) years of service to preserving the cultural resources of Mineral King. 

P.S. You too can become a member of the MKPS – go here and do what it says.



  1. I’m late to the party, but just wanted to boast that I’m a life-time member of the MKPS. Y’all are doing a great job, and keep up the good work!

    • Sharon, the MKPS has done a great job!

  2. Fantastic new MKPS logo Jana, as well as the article! We so appreciate your efforts as well as those of the society!

    • Thank you, Tom and Linda! Designing the logo was a great diversion during the Shut Down.

  3. Great article and summary of the MKPS efforts, Jana. As always, thank you for your participation and for bringing your own professional contributions to the effort! Nice logo!

    • Thank you, Louise! It was a microscopic explanation of 35 years of effort by some determined and dedicated folks. And thank you for your compliment on the logo – it is a definite improvement, no doubt.

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