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Have you heard that we are now living in a “membership economy”? When I read articles and opinion pieces about marketing, particularly marketing online, this idea of membership is promoted regularly.

Before I knew we were in this new “era” (fad, trend, phase, something. . .), I struggled with all the requests to join various organizations.

3 different historical societies, 2 library organizations, 5 art groups, 2 chambers of commerce, and at least 2 more groups that I don’t know how to classify want my money every year. If every organization charged $25 per year, I’d be out $350 a year and buried in newsletters and little cards to put in my wallet. Oh, and there are the stickers they send for your car window and the magnets for your refrigerator.

I do belong to the Auto Club (my car is 20 years old with 208,000 210,000miles on it  – how is that possible??) and to a few of the aforementioned groups because sometimes it is the only way to be able to participate in various art shows without paying an additional fee.

I’ve puzzled over how to create a membership to my fan club. (Wait – I am supposed to call the participants “collectors”? Hmmm, first I need fans, then I need to form a club, then figure out what they get for joining, design tchotchkes to persuade everyone it is worth the fee, figure out some sort of discount or other enticement to let members feel special, and finally, figure out some sort of internet dealiemabob so that it is automated.

Nah. I’m busy. Gotta keep shredding those membership requests so the bad guys don’t join in my name.

Samson is running away from requests to become a member of The Cutest Kitten Society, Fierce Felines United, and Tabbies International.
Samson is running away from requests to become a member of The Cutest Kitten Society, Fierce Felines United, and Tabbies International.


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