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Backyard Boutique Report

I found the location of the Backyard when Trail Guy and I took my stuff down on Friday to set up. Then we covered it all with drop cloths against the morning dew.

The next morning I left home in the dark, parked far from the Backyard and hiked in through the dawn’s early light. Like that phrase? Sometimes these shows feel as if I am preparing to do battle. Such is the business of art. (And it was a hike – I had food and water with me.)

HEY! There was a sign proclaiming Pop-Up Market in the driveway! I’m still liking the name Backyard Boutique. It was damp and coldish on the grass at 7 a.m. and I was amazed at the organization of all the pop-up tent tops in the Backyard. There must have been 30!





The sun was a welcome sight. The doors opened at 8 and the steady stream of people began.


This is the booth of my friend Brenda who invited me to join the show. She makes felted purses and iPad cases, and they are beautiful. BEAUTIFUL. She sells them for $60 (I think that’s the price), and having made a couple myself, I know this only barely covers the cost of the yarn.

Speaking of iPads, I took one to the show so I could accept plastic from people using the Square. I tested it on Friday and it worked! I tried it on Saturday and it wouldn’t. That’s 2 for 2. . . instead of buying a device to further my sales, I seem to have bought Trail Guy an expensive radio, weather and Mineral King webcam checker.


My booth was in the back under the trees on the dirt. I chose this location because the trees provided shade, since I don’t have a pop-up. I usually don’t do outdoor shows, so haven’t needed one.

Sales were steady all day, I met many nice people and reconnected with old friends. Then I came home and reconnected with this friend. Please excuse the blur and enjoy the cuteness of Samson when he isn’t biting.



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