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Learned in January

  1. My friends don’t think of me first as an artist; this means I am not very self-promotional, which can be both a good thing and a not-so-good thing.
  2. Quesadilla Gorilla is not just in Visalia and Three Rivers; it is also in Fresno and Hanford and is raising money to expand by selling bonds. How in the world do people learn how to do this high finance stuff?? 
  3. Sharpshin hawks are creepy cannibals; one keeps getting other birds right in front of our kitchen window.
  4. Nosocomial means “in hospital”; sometimes illness is spread nosocomial. I hope none of my blog readers ever needs to know this word.
  5. Tucker, my black cat, is a digger. I was burying kitchen waste in the herb garden, so I dug a hole, dumped the stuff in, turned away to rinse out the container, and then when I turned back, Tucker was covering the pile up for me. I actually filmed him doing this, but don’t think it will work on the blog. Besides, there are plenty of cat videos out there on the World Wide Web. (Maybe not one covering up garbage.)
  6. I went 30 days without sugar or sweets. The results: both a sense of accomplishment and one of deprivation. 
  7. Horse bangs are called a “forelock”. I wonder why people forelocks are called “bangs” instead of a “forelock”. (A person could bang her head on the wall trying to figure this one out.) In Britain, bangs are called a “fringe”; I learned this back in the days of Princess Diana.
  8. When you have tech troubles, it is helpful to engage in activities that cannot be accomplished with a computer. I had a bad couple of tech trouble days, and was helped immensely by Apple, but still took great comfort in knitting, baking bread, and yardening. Try those things on a computer, you Virtual Digital Techie Robots.
  9. Bears might be able to wear a size 4 in Crocs.


  1. You didn’t learn much in January my Artist friend!

    • So sorry to disappoint, Jim. Do you have any new wisdom for me? Wait, were you being sarcastic?? I think knowing a bear’s shoe size in Crocs is an enormously important piece of knowledge!

      • No, I did not learn anything new!! You usually learn 25+ things!

        • You might be confusing me with someone more interesting because I’ve rarely gone over 9 things. Or maybe you are learning 25 things from me, which would just thrill my simple little self!

          • I guess it just seems like more wisdom! Keep it up!

          • If only I could remember what I learn each month. . .

  2. Congratulations on going 30 days sugar-free! I am impressed. Do you think that time helped you feel free of sugar desires or cravings? Or is that just an impossible dream for some of us . . . .

    • Marjie, once I freed myself to have sweets, they didn’t hold as much power over me. Something about forbidden fruit, perhaps? I haven’t made the persimmon recipe, but better get on it because I am planning to do another 30 days, although this time I will occasionally allow dark chocolate.

  3. You’re three days early with this. What if you learn something today, tomorrow, or Sunday?
    5. I would love to see! Can you email it to me, please? I love cat videos!
    And that’s all I can say this early in the morning without coffee. Carry on.

    • Sharon, quick, get some of that weak strong coffee in you!

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