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Last Spring Hurrah

That title might be a little bit over the top. May always feels like the end of spring with heat coming and bringing its browns. But my yard has been so beautiful in the early morning light. . . Trail Guy and his power tools, me and my girly pruning and weeding, but mostly God and his palette. . .

I could call these photos a “source of inspiration”, but while they do lift my spirits, I don’t view them as potential painting subjects. The reality of earning a living with art in a small place is that I have to paint what sells. Florals don’t sell for me. Instead, I can study the photos and figure out what makes them special in terms of light, shadow, shapes and color, and maybe apply those things to other subjects.



  1. I think you should paint the pink flowers!

    • Gina, would you like to buy them after I paint them? 😎

  2. Wow, what beautiful pictures and yard!!!

    • Thank you, Virginia. It lasts for what feels like about 20 minutes, then summer happens.

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